
New Jersey Votes to Legalize Marijuana

This election season, it was hard to agree about almost anything. But, 66.91% of New Jersey residents have voted to legalize weed. So, what does this mean? Can you go out and buy weed now? Is it legal to smoke weed or eat edibles? Can you still get arrested for marijuana possession? There are a lot of questions surrounding the vote. Read on to find out more about New Jersey’s legalization of marijuana.

Can I Legally Purchase Weed in NJ?

New Jersey has a medical marijuana program. Currently, this program is still the only legal way to purchase weed. Eventually, dispensaries will open and begin selling weed. Before this can happen, lawmakers must pass laws decriminalizing marijuana and setting rules and regulations for the industry.

Can I Be Arrested For Possession?

This is now a gray area. It is not entirely clear what will happen if you are arrested for possession. If the legalization of marijuana is added to the New Jersey constitution, those arrested for possession may be able to use this as a new legal defense. But, as of now, no new laws have been put into place. Because there are not yet new laws, you will still be held to the current laws, under which marijuana possession is illegal.

Current New Jersey marijuana laws state:

  • 50 grams or fewer results in a disorderly persons offense, up to 6 months of incarceration and a fine of up to $1,000
  • More than 50 grams is a crime, resulting in up to 1.5 years of incarceration and a maximum fine of $25,000

What is the Age Limit?

Like alcohol, only those who are 21 years or older will be able to legally purchase marijuana. Those younger than 21 may still be arrested for possession.

When Will New Laws be in Place?

There is no clear answer yet. New Jersey is still at the very beginning of this process. Some predict that weed will begin to be sold legally by late 2021 or mid-2022. But, other states have shown that it is not a quick process. For example, Massachusetts did not open its first dispensary until two years after residents voted to legalize. In Maine, it was about four years after the vote to legalize weed that dispensaries opened.

If you or a loved one has a drug-related charge and you are curious to know how these new laws may affect you, reach out to The Law Office of Andrew S. Maze for more information.

Contact our Firm

Our firm understands how serious criminal and personal injury cases are. We are prepared to guide you towards a favorable outcome because we believe false accusations or preventable injuries should never cause a person harm. This is why those who require experienced legal counsel in New Jersey should do themselves a favor and contact The Law Office of Andrew S. Maze today for any criminal and personal injury matters.

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